Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I am to blame.

"From today, I resolve to blame myself for whatever is going wrong. I also resolve that I will take action - decisive action - to solve my own problems as well as those of my family, neighbours, friends, relatives and associates. I am a proud Indian. I can bring about the desired change.""

Say "I am to blame" at and get everyone we know to say the same.


Mampi said...

Should help in a lot of introspection we indians so sorely need.

~nm said...

With you on that!

Balvinder Balli said...

Right Gurpreet, when you point a finger at some one there are other three (of your own hand) pointing back at you and the thunb points up towards HIM. This reminds me of a Jagjeet Gazal " Jab kisi sey koi gila rakhnaa, saamne apne ayinaa rakhnaa"